We invite doctors and nurses to monthly trainings from September 2011 to May 2012

Just like in the previous session, we invite you to our monthly trainings in the four locations of Estonia – Tallinn, Tartu, Pärnu and Jõhvi.

In the four-hour trainings of the 2011–2012 session we will discuss the subjects of liver, hormone tests, faeces, metabolic markers, inflammation, allergy, and point of care.

We perform the complex analysis for pertussis (whooping cough)

With PCR method we perform on same time both Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis/bronchiseptica.

Changes in the laboratory of Tartu

Starting from July 4, 2011 our clinical laboaroty of Tartu is located in the Tartu city, Gildi 8, 3rd floor (at the premises of Tartu Linna Polikliinik).

The spring conferene will be held on April 6, 2011

On April 6, 2011 from 13.–18.00 the Quattromed HTI’s annual spring conference will be held in the conference centre of Tallinn Sokos Hotel Viru; this year’s subject is “Can a laboratory analysis be popular?”

A new laboratory was opened in Viljandi

Now there was a chance to open a laboratory also in Viljandi, address Turu 8/10, room 216. It is the renovation of the former laboratory of Viljandi Health Centre.

The changes in the referential values and additional analyses

In relation to the occupation of new analyzers and the transition to a new laboratory information system from 03.01.2011.

The development program of the Quattromed HTI team in co-operation with EAS is commenced

From 01.11.10 to 31.01.11 the implementation of the project „The team’s development program II“ is supported by the program of developing the knowledge and skills of the Enterprise Estonia.

The sperm analyses are no longer performed

We have finished performing sperm analyses in the laboratory and we start a cooperation with the Mens’ Clinic of Tartu University Hospital in this field.